Jeffrey’s Mittens

Sample of the mittens

© 2006 Lynne Chantler


Two 3.75 (US 5) 24″ circular needles

Sport weight yarn, approx 120 yds.

Gauge:  6 sts/in. 8 rows/in.

Size: Childs small (6.5” girth, length from cuff to tip 7.5”)

Pattern:cast on 12 stitches (6 on each needle)using the long tail “Aloha” cast on method from Queen Kahuna leaving an extra long tail.

Round 1 – using the yarn from the tail and from the ball of yarn, (2 strands) knit into each cast-on stitch. You should now have 6 groups of 2 stitches for a total of  12 stitches on each side of the needle.

Note:  Be sure to tug tightly the first stitch of every row, so there are no ladder holes

Round 2 – in the first 2 groups (4 stitches) knit into each stitch, in the next 2 groups knit 2 tog, 2 times, in the last 2 groups (4 stitches) knit into each stitch – repeat on the other side and you should now have a total of 10 stitches on each needle. 

Round 3 (increase rnd): K1 (pull it tight – see note above), place marker, then knit into the knit ‘bump’ below the next stitch on the left hand needle increasing one stitch, knit across to last 2 stitches,. k1, knit into the bump below the stitch you just knit (right hand needle) making one stitch, place marker, k1.

Round 4: KnitRepeat rows 3 and 4 until there are 40 stitches.

Continue to knit around – until mitten measure 4” from top  4.5 inches.

Left thumb

K2,  Using waste yarn knit 7 stitches, slip waste stitches back on to left hand needle then knit the waste yarn, continue to knit to the end.

Right thumb

Knit to the last 9 stitches, knit the next 7 stitches with waste yarn, put the waste yarn stitches back onto the left hand needle and re-knit them, continue to knit remaining stitches on round. .

Continue to knit in the round for 8 more rows.Start the ribbing (K1, P1) repeat,  for 2 1/2 inches, bind off loosely or as follows:


Remove waste yarn and pick up the 7 live stitches under the waste yarn with one needle including an extra 1 stitch in the “corner” and pickup the 7 live stitches  above and 1 extra stitch in the opposite corner (16 total stitches)

Knit around until thumb is 2 inches from the end.

Taper tip of thumb:

K2tog around (8 stitches).  Draw yarn through remaining loops and tie off securely.

Weave in all ends.

4 responses to “Jeffrey’s Mittens

  1. Great mittens! Good job!

  2. Thanks so much for this! As soon as I read the pattern I thought “Duh Ang, it’s so much like a peasant heel sock.” I’ve been chewing on how to knit my stash yarn into charity knits…and you’ve taken the migraine away. Thanks!! Love, Ang

    • Lol huni good job you didnt wack her with your bag! as ever a totally stunning card, awesome colour work as always, befuitaul embelies & design, sue,x

  3. Just passing by.Btw, you website have great content!

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